This year the Musicant de Campllong Festival kicks off its 22nd edition with the Musicant Cultura event, next Wednesday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m. , in the L'Escola del Foment Hall in Girona. With the support of bonart cultural , the Lluís Coromina Isern Foundation and the sponsorship of the El Foment cultural space , the talk will give visibility to more than two decades of music from the country, enlivened with musical interventions.
Albert Bosch , director of the Festival; Jordi Novell , head of projects for the Enderrock group; and Xavier Castillón , cultural journalist for Punt Avui, will focus the talk on the framework of Catalan music to analyze the evolution and current situation of the Catalan music scene. From points of view and opinions as cross-cutting as that of the music producer, the artist, or the media. The ecosystem of the different models of music festivals that coexist in Catalonia will also be analyzed, and the impact they have on the territory and on the general public will be assessed.
The event will feature a musical performance by drummer Ramon Prats and vocalist Victòria Vilalta , to enjoy Catalan music as the theme of the event. Tickets can be obtained on the Foment website
The presentation of this year's edition of the Festival will take place on April 12 at 12:00 in the Sports Hall of the Pavilion in Campllong. With the performance of the JOG (Jove Orquestra del Gironès) and local artists. At the end of the event there will be a glass of cava for everyone.
Ramon Prats.
Victòria Vilalta.