The Reina Sofia Museum presents Hello Everyone , an exhibition that brings together all of the projects of the artist Laia Estruch (Barcelona, 1981) from 2011 to the present. For the first time, her performative work is shown in its entirety in a single place, accompanied by videos, graphic works, sound and visual scores. The exhibition, curated by Mariana Cánepa Luna and Max Andrews , has been conceived as a "walkable warehouse", which will allow viewers to interact with the space in a different way, understanding performative art as a living and dynamic expression.
Hello Everyone , Laia Estruch. Courtesy Queen Sofia Museum
Estruch has been researching sculpture, voice and performance for the past fifteen years. His sculptures, which range from metal structures to textile and pneumatic forms, act as sensory stages for his stage rehearsals. On this occasion, many of them are shown as "dormant" pieces, exhibited as if they were stored and guarded. All the sculptures are conceived according to the dimensions and bodily presence of the artist. In addition to the sculptural elements, the exhibition includes a sound installation composed of seven speakers that reproduce performances and original musical compositions by Estruch. This installation, created specifically for Hello Everyone , mixes his vocal works, constituting the multi-channel soundtrack of the exhibition. A collection of video clips is presented at the beginning of the tour, offering an overview of the exhibited pieces.
Hello Everyone , Laia Estruch. Courtesy Queen Sofia Museum
During the exhibition period, Laia Estruch will perform several live performances of her performance Mix . According to Estruch, Mix is a "live edition of all the voices from all my projects, looking for new rhythms, like a mix, with my own voice, without amplification". The importance of the voice as an artistic tool is also one of the key points of the exhibition. Estruch not only uses it as a means of expression, but the voice becomes another sculptural element, capable of transforming and adapting to each context. This relationship between voice and space is one of the key points of her work, making each piece acquire a new dimension depending on the moment and the interaction of the audience.
In the presentation of the exhibition, Manuel Segade, director of the museum, highlighted the artist's relevance: "Laia Estruch is the most important performer of our generation in our country." Segade also highlighted the museum's commitment to innovative artistic practices that vividly reflect the present.
Hello Everyone , Laia Estruch. Courtesy Queen Sofia Museum