The first two active listening meetings in the cultural sector took place on February 12. Over the course of a month, the CoNCA Plenary will have met with the articulating associations of artists, technicians and creators, but also entrepreneurs, producers, distributors and exhibitors, from the different areas of culture and the arts. These meetings should serve to obtain an initial diagnosis of the current situation of working conditions in the cultural sector. Some of the topics that will be discussed include the lack of formalization of written contracts and the extreme intermittency with long periods of inactivity, problems common to many professionals in the sector.
The CoNCA's aim is to contribute to the improvement of the working conditions of all cultural workers, which is why it will carry out a series of initiatives in 2025, such as listening to the sector; commissioning a study on working conditions in outsourced services of public cultural facilities; a survey that will be published in the Annual Report on the State of Culture and the Arts in Catalonia, and a CoNCA_Lab at the end of the year, which will culminate this process.
Regarding the study on working conditions in the outsourced services of public cultural facilities, it should be noted that the aim is to focus on the tasks linked to the cultural activity of the facility, whether in the generation of knowledge (documentation and treatment of collections, content production, etc.) or in the provision of public mediation services (box office, accommodation, educational activities, guided tours and others). The aim is also to recover the survey that was carried out in 2013 with the aim of obtaining an approximation of the current situation of working conditions in the Catalan cultural sector and their impact on the professional development and personal well-being of the professionals who provide their services. It is planned that the results of the survey will be published in the CoNCA Annual Report, which is scheduled to be presented next July.
Reunió d'escolta amb el sector de les arts escèniques. CoNCA
This entire process of collecting evidence and documentation will see the light of day at the end of the year with a CoNCA_Lab that will present the diagnosis made and propose an updated roadmap with specific actions to improve the working conditions of culture and arts professionals.