

IVAM: new perspectives and tributes

Recovery of historical figures and new artistic languages in the new exhibition season.

'Díptico de Valencia', Soledad Sevilla (1996). IVAM, Donació de l'artista.
IVAM: new perspectives and tributes
bonart valencia - 27/01/25

IVAM begins 2025 with a strong commitment to retrospectives of Spanish artists and the avant-garde of comics, consolidating itself once again as a reference space in the dissemination of contemporary culture. The museum will host six exhibitions during the first half of the year, with a diverse program that ranges from established figures to young creators, and is designed to reach a wide range of audiences.

One of the main protagonists will be Soledad Sevilla (Valencia, 1944), who will receive a tribute from April 10 with a retrospective organized in collaboration with the Reina Sofía Museum. The exhibition will offer visitors an exhaustive tour of her career, from her beginnings at the Computing Center of the University of Madrid to her most recent works, some conceived expressly for this exhibition. With nearly a hundred pieces and a rich documentation from her personal archive, the proposal will allow us to understand the evolution of this key figure in Spanish contemporary art.


Conceptual art will also have its space thanks to Isidoro Valcárcel Medina (Murcia, 1937), recognized for his innovative and provocative approach. The exhibition, focused on the last two decades of his production, will materialize in an installation in gallery 3 and will be accompanied by a publication that will delve into his career through a documentary perspective. This project seeks to offer a reinterpretation of the work of the artist, a pioneer in performativity and conceptualization in Spanish art.

The month of February will mark the beginning of the exhibition program with a tribute to Manolo Gil (Valencia, 1925-1957), an essential figure of the post-war period who this year celebrates the centenary of his birth. The exhibition, articulated from a valuable album of more than two hundred pages donated by his widow, Jacinta Gil Roncalés, will include catalogues, writings and unpublished drawings. This project will be the introduction to 'Atreverse a més', an exhibition scheduled for the end of the year that will delve into Valencian art between 1947 and 1960.

IVAM: new perspectives and tributes ‘El decapitador’, Manolo Gil (1955). IVAM, Col·lecció Jacinta Gill

The universe of fanzines will also find its space at the IVAM with the exhibition 'This is not a comic! Fanzines: avant-garde and innovation', carried out in collaboration with the SM-UV Foundation Chair of Comics Studies. The exhibition proposes a journey through the expressive possibilities of fanzines, exploring the creative dynamics that have led to their innovations. It will also include a series of parallel activities such as workshops and talks with authors of the genre.

The figure of Ignacio Pinazo will be revisited starting February 20 in a series of dialogues with contemporary creators, within the exhibition 'Pinazo: identities' in the Sala de la Muralla. The first of these dialogues will be led by the company Societat Doctor Alonso , which will seek to generate a debate on identities through the interaction between its audiovisual productions and Pinazo's works.

Finally, the center's gallery 4 will open its doors to international creation with an exhibition dedicated to the five-decade collaboration between Senga Nengudi (Chicago, 1943) and Maren Hassinger (Los Angeles, 1947). This exhibition will explore the intersection between art, sculpture, performance and video, offering visibility to two key figures in contemporary artistic praxis.

IVAM: new perspectives and tributes ‘Dinero’, Revista de poètica financera i d’intercanvi espiritual. IVAM, Donació Álvaro Pons


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