

II Palafrugell Short Film Exhibition

An explicit tribute to local amateur cinema and a look at contemporary creators.

Luna cautiva serpiente roja bandeja de plata, Col·lectiu Dostopos (2017)
II Palafrugell Short Film Exhibition
bonart palafrugell - 29/11/24

Next December 7 and 8, in Palafrugell, the cinematographic tradition is transformed into a celebration with the second edition of the Mostra de Curtmetratges , a space for creativity and innovation. This event is established as a platform for young creators who are looking for a place to exhibit their projects and share ideas.

This year the exhibition aims to be a look at the past with the "Pioneers" section, which pays tribute to figures such as Josep Puig, Tomàs Mallol, Joaquim Puigvert, Josep Mª Vives, Francesc Serrat, Lluís Molinas or Antoni Marti , pioneers of Girona's amateur cinema. At the same time, the present and the future will be given voice with a program that combines fiction, documentaries and visual essays. The sample

From amateur roots to contemporary creativity

On Saturday, December 7, at 10:30 a.m., the Auditorium of the Museu del Suro de Catalunya will open the exhibition with Luna cautiva serpiente roja bandeja de plata, from the Dostopos collective. This opening will give way to the first official section of short films, where seven pieces will offer diverse visions: Todas las islas (Alberto Maciá Esquíe), Statera (Guillem Castellón), Los habitantes del pasto (Pablo P.Méndez Kodyak), Ancla (Ángel Morales), TOU (Pol Álvaro Puig), Mama, mama (Mar Olave) and Bona nit , rambles (Maria Bareche and Clara Barfull).

In the afternoon, at TeMePé , the retrospective "The amateur cinema of Palafrugell and Girona dialogues with contemporary cinema" will allow you to see classics of amateur cinema such as Exp II (Joaquim Puigvert), Homage (Tomàs Mallol), Un caballo (Josep Puig), Cuidado con el reloj (Josep Mª Vives), El billete (Francesc Serrat and Lluís Molinas) and Dues Amigues (Antoni Marti), which will be presented alongside creations contemporaries such as Transmissions by Marta Vergonyós and Tardor by Helena Oller.


On Sunday, December 8, the Auditorium of the Museu del Suro will host the second official section, preceded by the screening of Cordelia Alegre's Mestral. Seven new works, The longest days (Jaume Mollfulleda), The last margaritas (Laia Palomeras and Alba Parra), Segunda (Anita Pico), Noches de serendipia (Maélie Jaffrin and Jaume Monfort), Balneari (Eloi Román and Max Sorribas), Iaia (Sènia Ametller) and Ode to Spring (Ignasi Roqué).

The exhibition, which has the support of Palafrugell City Council, Museu del Suro de Catalunya, Cinema Club Garbí de Palafrugell, TeMePé, Fundació Lluís Coromina Isern, Bonart Cultural, Museu del Cinema de Girona and Videoplay Serveis , aims to be an opportunity to discover emerging talent and to reflect on the role of cinema in the cultural construction of a territory.

II Palafrugell Short Film Exhibition


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