

6th Biennial of Gastronomic Contemporary Art

Art, sustainability and gastronomy in Cambrils.

'Res al plat', Josepe Gil (2024)
6th Biennial of Gastronomic Contemporary Art

Last Sunday, November 24, at noon, the awards ceremony of the 6th Biennial of Contemporary Gastronomic Art of Cambrils 2024 took place in the municipality's Plenary Hall.

The mayor of Cambrils, Alfredo Clúa , and the councilor for culture, Jordi Barberà , were present at the event.

In this year's edition, the jury has decided to award the first prize to Cristina Salvans (Tortosa) and Rosa Mata (Tarragona), both residents of Cambrils, for the installation entitled 'El Sant Sopar', which captivated the jury "for its excellent technique and conceptual depth".

In their assessment, the jury emphasized the staging of this work and its ability to evoke reflection and generate a deep connection with the viewer: "At a time when the debate on sustainability and the food tradition, this installation becomes a point of connection between the classic elements and contemporary trends. We also appreciate that the two artists have made this proposal, which we consider of great cultural and aesthetic value."

6th Biennial of Gastronomic Contemporary Art Cristina Salvans i Rosa Mata, guanyadores de la Biennal.

On the other hand, the access went to Josepe Gil (Barcelona) for the work 'Res al plat'. The jury valued this installation both for the persistence and commitment of the work, which shows the darker side of the food system: "In the 16 dishes that make up the work, we do not find any food, but what it is hidden behind global food production: inequalities, wars, famine, disappearance of species, desertification of the soil, etc. All this under the geopolitical prism, heir to colonialism, which divides the territory among others how many, as if they were pieces of a big cake, a fact that generates inequalities and injustices".

This year's jury was formed by Rosalia Banet Masa (artist and winner of the 5th Biennial of Gastronomic Contemporary Art of Cambrils 2022), Teresa Blanch Malet (art historian, critic and curator), Christian Alonso (director of La Panera Art Centre), Enric Puig Punyet (director of the Santa Mònica Art Center in Barcelona) and Alexandra Planas i Camps (independent curator and director of the marketing and Bonart Magazine advertising).

The two winning works can be visited, together with those of the finalists of this edition of the Biennale, at the collective exhibition in Sala Àgora, organized by the culture area of Cambrils City Council, until the 14 of February 2025. The finalist works include: Antonio Ramírez Ponce ('Pornfood'), Maria Isabel Uribe Dussán ('Comida Ràpida 2024'), Cristóbal García López ('The Dawn of Peix Espasa: First step on the table'), David Sánchez León ('The Sunday of Vermouth'), Juan Ignacio Carreño Criado ('Materia Prima'), Rosa Maria Pérez Solano ('The artist's hunger'), Enric Servera Carreras ('The taste of art. The 7 flavours'), Carles Piqueras Medina ('Plata d'amandida levantada'), David Ribas Boldú ('The reds of the black 2024'), Sergio Quiñonero Ortuño ('1.27 m2'), Laura Vallvé Feliu de la Peña ('Totem of galera rice'), Gemma Molero López ('The first meal'), Rosa Virgili Abelló ('The angel woman no longer wants to bite the forbidden fruit ') and Agustín Israel Barrera García ('The Last Supper').

6th Biennial of Gastronomic Contemporary Art Exposició temporal dels guanyadors i finalistes de la 6a Biennal.

3 Vila de Cambrils Awards

Parallel to the Biennale, the 33rd Vila de Cambrils Photography Award , the 14th Josep Lluís Savall Maritime Narrative Award and the 13th Poetry Award were also presented.

The jury chose the Russian photographer Anna Aliempieva as the best salon author "for her mastery of the portrait with a simplicity of lights that achieves a warm and very pure atmosphere".

Medals were also distributed to the winners of the different sections of photography, which this year were: Albert Mayol ('Grandfather Esteve'), Francesc Alasà ('Pray') and Antonio Alcázar ('Reflexes d'una tarda de tempestes ').

The Narrative Award went to Cristina Canamases for the work 'The sea is a witness'. The first Vila de Cambrils Poetry prize went to Joan Armengol (Manresa) for the poem 'El cercle infinit', and the second, to Joan Martorell Masó (Vilanova i la Geltrú) for 'Urban Readings'.

The event ended with a speech by the mayor, a guided tour of the exhibition and a vernissage for all attendees in the Town Hall lobby, with live music by the Raul Cid Trio .


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