

The art of the nativity scene with a female voice

A new look at nativity scenes at the Catalonia Crafts Centre.

The art of the nativity scene with a female voice

Nativity scenes have a soul, and this exhibition invites us to discover it from an artistic perspective and with a feminine look. 'Pessebrisme, mirades: amb ulls de dona' is a proposal that celebrates the talent of 40 women nativity scenes from different organizations in Catalonia, with the aim of giving visibility to their role in this cultural expression so rooted in our heritage.

The exhibition, which opens next Friday November 22nd and can be visited until January 12th at the Center d'Artesania de Catalunya in Barcelona , combines fragments and figures of nativity scenes with a story that connects these artists with such iconic traditions as the Saint Lucia Fair . It is a tribute to female creativity in a field often little recognized as art, but which is claimed here with elegance and passion.

With the support of the Generalitat, the Provincial Council and Barcelona City Council, the exhibition invites us to explore the world of nativity scenes from an innovative perspective. Entry is free, and the schedule, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day, makes this proposal an opportunity to rediscover the nativity scene with a new perspective.

The art of the nativity scene with a female voice


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