

2nd Arts in Education Forum

Professionals from the cultural and educational sectors meet to promote the presence of the arts in education.

Projecte 'Correu Brossa'. © Associació ConArte Internacional
2nd Arts in Education Forum
bonart barcelona - 02/11/24

The 2nd Arts in Education Forum, held on October 30, reaffirmed the commitment of the National Council for Culture and the Arts (CoNCA) to establish a biennial space for dialogue between the cultural and educational sectors, and laid the foundations for creating a National Arts in Education Plan . The meeting was attended by more than 400 professionals and several prominent figures such as Xavier Fina , Director General of Cultural Promotion, Marisol López , Director of Innovation and Digital Culture, and Mercè Andreu , Director General of Innovation and Curriculum of the Department of Education. Also in attendance were Laia Arnal , Director of Knowledge Transfer and Society of the Department of Research and Universities, and Sergi Díaz , Director of the temporary program for improving the presence of arts and culture in education of the Department of Culture, as well as representatives of the Forum's Governing Council.

Vinyet Panyella , president of the CoNCA, stressed the need to promote policies that guarantee universal access to quality arts education for all citizens. Then, Jordi Font and Núria Iceta , members of the CoNCA Plenary, took stock of the progress made since 2022, the year in which the Arts in Education Charter was created, a fundamental document that establishes the right to culture and the arts and includes 63 recommendations to enhance their presence in education.

During the meeting, Sergi Díaz highlighted the work promoted by the Government of the Generalitat to promote access to culture for all students and explained that various areas of the territory will have technicians specialized in culture to promote collaboration with educational centers. The new digital platform Culture and Education was also presented, aimed at facilitating access to cultural resources in the educational system and promoting alliances.

2nd Arts in Education Forum 2n Fòrum de les Arts a l’Educació al Campus Ciutadella (UPF)

One of the highlights of the Forum was the round table, moderated by Lucía Casani , director of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation , where experiences on educational policies in Portugal and France were presented, by Paulo Pires do Vale , commissioner of the National Arts Plan of Portugal , and Christophe Bennet , president of the FNADAC of France, who shared the models of their respective countries.

During the Forum, working sessions were held to establish criteria and proposals that will inspire the future National Arts in Education Plan, with topics such as the territorial deployment of local art schools, educational alliances with cultural facilities and the training of trainers in arts education. Initial and higher teacher training, educational innovation programs through the arts, and the role of the private and associative sectors in educational projects were also addressed.

With this meeting, the CoNCA reaffirms its conviction about the importance of artistic education as an essential element for the integral development of people, while consolidating the space for reflection to move towards an educational system where the arts occupy a central place and contribute to the cultural and social growth of citizens.

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