2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Biennale of thought 2024: the day after everything

Conferències, debats i accions artístiques per impulsar un pensament col·lectiu des de la democràcia fins al feminisme, passant per la memòria, els reptes climàtics i tecnològics.

Biennale of thought 2024: the day after everything
bonart barcelona - 08/10/24

Barcelona becomes a living space for dialogue and reflection with the Biennale de Pensament 2024 , which fills the city with prominent voices, inviting us to rethink the future. Under the slogan 'The next day of everything', this edition, which is held from 8 to 13 October, offers us an open window to address the great themes that cross our lives: democracy, memory, feminism, post-colonialism, and technological and climate challenges. It is a moment of pause and reflection, to observe the present and project the promises we want to build for the future.

This year, the Biennale has highly prestigious figures such as the Nobel Prize for Literature Herta Müller , the playwright and writer Wajdi Mouawad , the feminist thinker Clara Serra , and the British writer Zadie Smith , known for her sharp reflections on society contemporary The outstanding specialist in African studies and postcolonialism Oyérónké Oyewùmí , the Bulgarian writer Georgui Gospodínov , the French philosopher Corine Pelluchon , and the journalist and documentary maker Eliane Brum , an active defender of human rights and the environment, will also participate. Other notable names in this year's lineup include filmmaker Audrey Diwan and Catalan musical duo Tarta Relena , known for combining traditional music with contemporary sound elements.

Biennale of thought 2024: the day after everything Tarta Relena

During these days, the streets and cultural spaces of Barcelona will become a laboratory of ideas, with activities that include conferences, debates, live podcasts and stage actions. The Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona (CCCB) will be one of its headquarters, but other emblematic spaces such as the Canòdrom, Can Felipa, La Model, Plaça Masadas, Plaça de la Virreina and Jardins de Pla i Armengol will also host events .

With more than a hundred international speakers, the Biennale invites us to reflect on the fractures and opportunities of this time of global transformation. The invited voices will help us to understand the complexities of the world we live in, but also to collectively imagine new forms of life that are more just, inclusive and sustainable. We are aware that the system established during the last two centuries cannot be the foundation of our future existences. What ideas, what actions and what hopes must take center stage in this new era of transformation?

The +Biennale program will complement the event, with the participation of several cultural institutions in the city, which daily keep the critical spirit alive and promote public debate in Barcelona. The curatorial team, formed by Raül Garrigasait , Mar Rosàs and Xavier Fina , works together with the CCCB to make this edition an essential meeting for those who want to participate actively in the debates of the present and the future.

With its artistic program designed by La Sullivan, the Biennial of Thought 2024 becomes a large public square where ideas are lived and where Barcelona, during these days, will be the scene of a collective thought to question our time and imagine what comes next, the day after everything.

The entire program of the 2024 biennial of thought here .

Biennale of thought 2024: the day after everything Simone Weil. La programació d'enguany inclou una lectura dramatitzada de la seva obra a càrrec de Míriam Iscla.

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