

Jordi S. Carrera, reference in Girona photography, dies

'La solitud de les ànimes', Jordi S. Carrera (1979)
Jordi S. Carrera, reference in Girona photography, dies
bonart girona - 01/10/24

The world of photography mourns the passing of Jordi S. Carrera, one of its greatest exponents in Girona. With his departure this Monday, a stage is closed that has left an indelible mark on the city and on the visual culture of Catalonia. Carrera, self-taught from the beginning, began exhibiting his work at the beginning of the eighties, consolidating himself as a reference in the artistic scene. His career, marked by a sensitive and innovative look, has been key in shaping the contemporary photographic language in his hometown.

Coming from a family with a long artistic tradition, Jordi S. Carrera grew up surrounded by the creativity of his uncle, the sculptor Ramon Maria Carrera Savall, and his grandfather, Joan Carrera i Dellundere. This family context was the catalyst for a deep interest in traditional photographic techniques, as well as for his incessant exploration of new media, which led him to develop a very personal and characteristic visual language.

Jordi S. Carrera, reference in Girona photography, dies 'Formes', Jordi S. Carrera

With his own studio as the epicenter of his creative activity, Carrera exhibited his work in more than a hundred shows, both individual and collective. His photographs, always closely linked to Girona, captured the beauty of emblematic places such as the cathedral of Girona or the monastery of Sant Daniel, offering a unique perspective of these spaces.

His contribution to photography was widely recognized, with the Kodak National Photography Award highlighting his talent. In addition, his project 'The solitude of souls', selected by the Generalitat's National Photography Plan, was deposited in the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona (MACBA), reaffirming his relevance in the world of art Catalan contemporary.

With the advent of digital photography, Carrera began a new creative phase. Far from seeing technology as a threat, he embraced it with enthusiasm, giving life to his famous "illusionographies". These works, which fused digital technique and a fascination for visual perceptions, became a hallmark of his style, giving his work a unique and innovative character.

Jordi S. Carrera was not only a visual chronicler of Girona, but also a creator with a unique look, able to capture the essence of the places and moments he photographed.

Jordi S. Carrera, reference in Girona photography, dies 'Il·lusionografía gironina', Jordi S. Carrera

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