

Bayona, Cabellut, Plensa and Espert: honorary doctors from the University of Barcelona

'Nuria', Jaume Plensa (2017)
Bayona, Cabellut, Plensa and Espert: honorary doctors from the University of Barcelona
bonart barcelona - 30/09/24

The University of Barcelona (UB) today, Monday 30 September, awarded four outstanding figures from the cultural scene with the title of honorary doctorates. The filmmaker Juan Antonio Bayona, the artist Lita Cabellut, the sculptor Jaume Plensa and the actress Núria Espert have been honored in a ceremony in the Paranimf of the Historical Building.

Rector Joan Guàrdia has highlighted the talent, excellence and international projection of the four distinguished, making it clear that they are key figures in the world of culture and with an undoubted influence on society through their disciplines. In their speeches, each expressed that it was a great honor and took the opportunity to defend the importance of culture.

Juan Antonio Bayona, in his speech, reflected on the experiences that cinema has given him and recalled that he was part of the first promotion of the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia (ESCAC), linked to the UB . "At that time, in the Spanish state, you could only study cinema in Barcelona", he said, stressing the importance of university support for these studies. In addition, he has stated that cinema is probably the most significant art of the 20th century and has urged university centers to continue to recognize great directors and professionals. "I want to think that my films contribute something, that they help to face in some way the uncertainty of being alive and that they make the world a little fairer and more meaningful," he concluded.

Lita Cabellut, visibly moved, described the moment as one of the most unexpected in her life. He has highlighted the interconnection between art and science, indicating that both disciplines share a desire for depth and understanding. "With this recognition I feel complete", he expressed, thanking all those who participated in this day. He has called the university the guardian of social intelligence, remembering that true education is based on the excellence of students who surpass their teachers.

Jaume Plensa closed the cycle of speeches with an exaltation of beauty, underlining the relevance of art in everyday life and its regenerative capacity. He has indicated that art must be a vehicle of hope in a world marked by conflict and misinformation. He has reflected on his relationship with the university, noting the difficulty of being a teacher and the absence of age boundaries or conditions in artistic creation.

Professor Dolors Tapias, godmother of the new honorary doctors, highlighted the contributions of each one, underlining Bayona's ability to make cinema a sensory experience, the depth of Cabellut's work that connects with the human soul, the emotion that Espert brings to the theater and the evocative force of Plensa's sculptures.

Bayona, Cabellut, Plensa and Espert: honorary doctors from the University of Barcelona 'Solidaridad V', Lita Cabellut (2021)


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