

'Links with the avant-garde: from JV Foix to Albert Serra'

A deep reflection on the great names that have marked Catalan culture, and a journey from the second avant-gardes to postmodernity.

© Àngel Garcia
'Links with the avant-garde: from JV Foix to Albert Serra'
Nora Barnach barcelona - 25/09/24

There are invisible bridges that unite generations, forms of art and thought, and Vicenç Altaió invites us to cross one with his new book 'Links with the vanguard: from JV Foix to Albert Serra'. This volume, which culminates the 'Tràfic d'ideas' series, is a journey through ideas that begins with the poetic references of JV Foix and reaches the disruptive figure of Albert Serra. The publication collects years of critical essays and reflections on poetry, art and cinema, and closes a creative cycle that will be presented on Thursday, September 26, as part of Catalan Book Week.

The work has a foreword by Manuel Guerrero Brullet, who describes the book as: "this book by Vicenç Altaió culminates the series Traffic of ideas, which, with the huge collection of critical essays and various writings, becomes a vindication of the tradition of the avant-garde, but also of other heterodox figures and, at the same time, the portrait of a time, from the second avant-gardes to postmodernity, based on the construction of a personal historical and cultural account of a generation of artists and fellow travelers. It is a unique and unique creative project in Catalan literature and culture at the turn of the century."

During the presentation event, Altaió will talk with the writers Gabriel Ventura and Jaume C. Pons Alorda, who have explored the influence of the filmmaker Albert Serra on contemporary culture, and together they will reflect on the connections between the figures who have marked the thought of Altaión

'Links with the avant-garde' is not only an exercise in cultural criticism, but also a vivid portrait of a generation of artists who have left a deep mark. Altaió builds a personal historical and cultural story, offering a unique look at contemporary Catalan literature.

A work that invites reflection, dialogue with the past and understanding the present through an avant-garde perspective.

'Links with the avant-garde: from JV Foix to Albert Serra'

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