

Last days to visit the exhibition 'Beyond a Journey with Antoni Tàpies'

The exhibition, which offers a deep reflection on art and the connection between East and West, reaches its final stretch.

Last days to visit the exhibition 'Beyond a Journey with Antoni Tàpies'
bonart cholera - 23/09/24

The Horizon art gallery in Colera, with more than three decades of history under the direction of Silvy Wittevrongel and Ralph Bernabei, has been hosting a special exhibition commemorating the centenary of Antoni Tàpies. Under the title 'Beyond a Journey with Antoni Tàpies', this collective exhibition brings together original works by the Catalan master together with pieces by seventeen national and international artists, creating a space for dialogue between East and West.

The participating artists share a common vision with Tàpies: the search for a deeper meaning, away from the superficial glitter of the modern world. For Tàpies, it was essential to recover the oriental spirit, present in many cultures, to resist the imperative of progress and avoid falling into its trap. This idea is clearly reflected in the works selected for the exhibition, which explore the desire for unity in contrast to the traditional dualism of Judeo-Christian culture.

With its final stretch approaching, the exhibition can be visited until September 29 and includes works by artists such as Jean Capdeville, Enrique Brinkmann, Dai-Bih-In, Àlex Nogué, Takesada Matsutani, André Marfaing, André Martus , Enric Ansesa, Yoon-Hee, Ralph Bernabei, Jerry Wolfe, Bosco Sodi, Christine Hiebert, Joan Pere Viladecans, Jordi Alcaraz and Ferran Giménez. Many of these creators have been linked to the Horizon gallery for years, and on this occasion they have not been asked to create a new work, but the curators have selected existing pieces from their workshops that connect with Tàpies' sensibility.

Among the outstanding artists, Bernabei especially mentions Dai-Bih-In, who maintained a close personal relationship with Tàpies during the seventies.

'Beyond a Journey with Antoni Tàpies' has been a unique opportunity to enjoy works that reflect on Tàpies' profound ideas around time, meditation and contemplation. The exhibition has allowed the public to connect with the philosophy of the artist and with the creations of the other seventeen artists, generating a space of calm and introspection in the midst of a world that often moves too fast.

Last days to visit the exhibition 'Beyond a Journey with Antoni Tàpies'

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