

'Gris Plom': Sabadell is discovered through art

'Gris Plom' is a reflection of local artistic history and a living project that seeks to activate the present and project the future of art in Sabadell.

© Alfons Borrell
'Gris Plom': Sabadell is discovered through art
bonart sabadell - 17/09/24

'Gris Plom' is a constellation of looks, works and stories that, through local artists, unfolds a visual and historical map of Sabadell. This exhibition, full of written documents, visuals and activities, covers 60 years of artistic creation from Sabadell and is distributed in three emblematic spaces: the Academy of Fine Arts, the Art Museum and the Estruch, all connected by a common narrative .

The project goes far beyond being a simple art show; it is the result of rigorous research that includes more than a hundred interviews and an exhaustive study of historical archives. With a critical eye, 'Gris Plom' reflects the creative diversity that has flourished in Sabadell during the last decades.

The title of the exhibition, taken from a verse by Josep Ramon Bach (poetry Chronicles of Anok), evokes the gray lead of industrial Sabadell, the color of smoke, steam, the rhythm of the looms that for decades permeated the city and its people. This color, heavy and noble, becomes a symbol of resistance and creativity, central to the palette of the artists who have shaped the collective imagination of the city.

Integrated into the programming of the Capitalitat Cultural Catalana 2024 and Manifesta+, 'Gris Plom', inaugurated last September 4, is divided into three main axes: an exhibition part distributed by the mentioned spaces, a documentary that collects the voice of local artists, and a program of activities that seeks to involve and energize the artistic and civic community.

The Academy of Fine Arts hosts an exhibition dedicated to the creative effervescence of the sixties, a crucial period for Sabadell, marked by cultural awakening and the airs of change towards democracy in the midst of the late Franco regime. This historic moment represents a symbiosis between art, technology and society, where the Academy played a fundamental role as a welcoming space for the new creative and experimental trends that sought to transform the city.

The institution opened its doors to these new artistic currents, reflecting the desire for freedom and democratic openness of the moment. Artists such as Alfons Borrell, Francesc Abad and Fina Miralles were protagonists of this intense stage, linked to movements such as the Gallot Group, street painting actions and experimental amateur cinema.

On the other hand, the Sabadell Art Museum presents a journey from the beginnings of artistic creativity in the city to the present day. Its collection includes renowned artists such as Benet Ferrer, Ramiro Fernández, Isidre Manils and Oriol Vilapuig, as well as contemporary creators such as Guillem Celada or the group Dones i Dissidents. The museum also reflects on the changes the city has experienced, both in terms of its artistic infrastructure and the social and economic conditions that have shaped it.

The works presented at the Art Museum show the ability of art to transfer content to the level of imagination and aesthetic sensibility. Singular, differentiated presences, each shaping a universe of meaning with the ability to return to the city of Sabadell the construction of stories and imaginaries that the visual arts are building.

'Gris Plom': Sabadell is discovered through art

Finally, L' Estruch is the perfect setting to explore Sabadell's transformation from an industrial to a post-industrial city. This space presents works and documents that reflect the contemporary and feminist performative practices that have emerged in recent years. It is also a place to examine the relationship between art and the city, with works that explore memory and territory, as well as the new forms of creativity that have emerged in response to social and economic change.

The documentary and mediation binomials as parallel activities

The documentary and the mediation pairs are part of the parallel activities of 'Gris Plom'. This documentary explores the evolution of the visual arts in Sabadell over the last 50 years, analyzing them in their social, political and economic context, highlighting the diversity of the city's creative ecosystem and the support it has received in different stages, with the aim of making visible and consolidating this legacy.

At the same time, the program of activities is designed to encourage public participation through initiatives that will take place during the exhibition months. These activities include workshops, guided tours, music, presentations and performances, with the aim of revitalizing the cultural space and opening new perspectives on the visual arts. One of the central elements of the program are the mediation pairs, actions of critical activation where artists from the city propose interactive activities with the participation of local groups. Each binomial tackles a different theme: Gestos en l'aire explores the creation of micro-stories about Sabadell's plural identity; Museums like rivers, tributaries of art and culture reflect on the cultural wealth associated with the river spaces of the city and its link with local communities; and the binomial Interdependent Health proposes a performative activity on the occasion of World AIDS Day, connecting the fight for health with the preservation of the natural environment and community care.

'Gris Plom': Sabadell is discovered through art


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