

The writer Àlex Susanna dies

Fotografia Clàudia Rius
The writer Àlex Susanna dies
bonart barcelona - 29/07/24

The poet, critic, cultural manager, teacher and writer Àlex Susanna has died at the age of 66, as reported this Saturday by the publisher Edicions 62 and the Ramon Llull Institute.

Born in Barcelona on September 12, 1957, he was co-founder and co-director of the publishing house Columna (1985-99), as well as director of Culture of the Ramon Llull Institute (2002-04) and of the Caixa Catalunya Foundation (2004) -09).

At the beginning of this year, Susanna published her latest diary La dansa dels dies, which adds to the twenty publications, among which are The Ancient Days (1982), El último sol (1985) and Palau d winter (1987).

He won the Miquel de Palol prize for Memory of the Body, the Josep Pla prize for Venetian Notebook and the Carles Riba prize for The rings of the years. In addition to being a professor of Catalan literature for a decade at Rovira i Virgili University (1982-92), he also directed the Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency (2016-2017) and the Vila Casas Foundation (2020-2023).

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