

last days Andreu Buenafuente and Javier Mariscal at Casa Saladrigas

last days Andreu Buenafuente and Javier Mariscal at Casa Saladrigas

Andreu Buenafuente's temporary exhibition entitled Naturally, shares space with the exhibition Chico Y Rita, Dispararon al pianist by the artist and designer Javier Mariscal, at Casa Saladrigas in Blanes and which is part of the I Blanes Costa Brava International Film Festival . While the Mariscal exhibition is on the first floor, the paintings of Andreu Buenafuente are on display on the second floor: journalist, communicator and humorist, who has come to Blanes to show a facet of him that is largely unknown to the public in general: painting.

It should be remembered that the opening of this exhibition was led by the mayor of Blanes, Jordi Hernández, accompanied by the protagonist of the evening, Andreu Buenafuente. The Councilor for Culture, Jordi Calvet, also attended; other councilors and members of the organization of the I Blanes Costa Brava International Film Festival. It must be said that the pictorial exhibition is part of the parallel activities that are being held on the occasion of the cinematographic and cultural event. During the course of the inauguration, the entourage took a tour of the exhibition, and finally there was a short turn of parliaments starring Buenafuente, who explained the origin of this secret hobby that has recently begun to express itself. Who also accompanied them was Mercè Puy, curator of the exhibition that is presented under the name 'Naturally'.

Puy revealed that this passion for painting arose more than three decades ago and commented that "since I've known Andreu, I've always seen him with a pencil in his hand as if it were an extension of his extremity: he may already be in a meeting of a program, in the middle of a radio recording or chatting about life, that the need to express and capture the moment graphically has turned over the years into a creative incontinence of natural form".

The title of the exhibition responds to the fact that the author has always found his source of inspiration and his muse throughout his career. In the last two years he has held five exhibitions, and there are always pieces that take you to natural places such as Menorca, the Mauritius Islands or the sea. In the sixth pictorial exhibition that is being held in Blanes during these days, his vital state is embodied by creating different worlds: sometimes the suspension points are transformed into telecommunications circuits, and other more concrete ones into vegetation, animals and monsters.

The exhibition hosts two well-differentiated areas in the two rooms where it is housed: in one you can see a marked influence by Miró, with shrill, vivid colors, a vital cry that seems to form the notes of a musical score. In the other room, the largest on the second floor facing the sea, nature continues to be very present, but with more obscure tones, which respond to the time in which they were created, as explained by Andreu Buenafuente during the inauguration. These two exhibitions can be visited until May 31, 2024.

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