

The 19th edition of Inundart de Girona is committed to the professionalization and remuneration of artists

The exhibition has become a strategic and reference festival for the Catalan national territory in the field of visual arts and interdisciplinary proposals

The 19th edition of Inundart de Girona is committed to the professionalization and remuneration of artists
bonart girona - 21/05/24

L'Inundart, Girona's contemporary art exhibition, arrives this weekend in its nineteenth edition with a varied program and a clear objective: to address the difficulties for artists to receive fair remuneration for their work. In this edition, Inundart will premiere a meeting for cultural managers dedicated to working on the professionalization of the visual arts sector.

The exhibition will offer a series of installations, sensitive tours and performances in the center of Girona, highlighting the concern of the organizers for the lack of exhibition spaces that offer adequate remuneration to the artists. "There are fewer and fewer rooms where visual arts can be exhibited and in the majority, it is not even contemplated that there could be some kind of remuneration for the artist", laments Raquel Morón, director of the festival.

Meeting of Cultural Managers

On Saturday, twenty cultural managers from all over Catalonia will meet at the House of Culture in Girona with the aim of finding concrete measures to improve the situation of visual artists. This meeting, which includes festival managers, organizations and exhibition halls, aims to encourage collaboration and co-productions in order to create a more sustainable and fair environment for artists.

Raquel Morón also calls on the institutions to have "a more accessible and transformative view of culture beyond numbers" and to equate the budget items dedicated to the visual arts with those of other disciplines such as music or the performing arts. The Councilor for Culture of Girona, Quim Ayats, highlights the support of the City Council through programs such as Amplia cultura, Diversifica Cultura and Kreas, as well as the collaboration with the Center for Contemporary Art, the Bòlit.

The 19th edition of Inundart de Girona is committed to the professionalization and remuneration of artists

Artistic programming

In terms of programming, this year's Inundart invites the public to explore 24 proposals by 120 artists that will be deployed in various spaces in the Old Quarter. The program includes a group exhibition that opens on Friday at the Casa de Cultura and will be open until June 29. This exhibition includes works by artists such as Adela Caamaño, Fina Morera, Fiona Morrison and Michelle Wilson, with an audiovisual installation about the hypersexualization of young people through reggaeton.

The weekend will concentrate most of the activities, with five installations on the Rambla seeking public participation. There will also be an installation in Plaça de les Voltes in Roses, created by the Belgian artist Jeremiah Baudrie in collaboration with the Civic Center of the Old Quarter.

One of the outstanding projects is SOS (Subjecte d'Obsolescence Silent), an immersive sound tour that denounces the gentrification of the Old Quarter through the experiences of the residents. Marta Azparren will present the performance "Diaries de fábrica" on Saturday at the Valvi Foundation, while Assumpció Mateu will offer an outdoor painting and video exhibition with "Nature as a metaphor. The Burnt Forest", a reflection on loss of nature and personal experiences.

Professional conference

On Saturday morning, Inundart organizes a day for professionals with the aim of promoting networking, fostering collaborations and creating synergies between artists. This day will offer a space for dialogue where platforms, entities and exhibition halls can present their initiatives and lines of work, thus contributing to the professionalization of the sector.

With this edition, Inundart not only wants to be an artistic exhibition festival, but also an engine of change for the improvement of the working conditions of visual artists, creating a space where art and professionalization go hand in hand .


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