
Presentation of the book 'Unofficial history during the hypothetical Transition'

The presentation will take place on May 23 at 7pm at the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona, and will be attended by the author and the art critic Montse Badia

Presentation of the book 'Unofficial history during the hypothetical Transition'
bonart barcelona - 22/05/24

The Lluís Coromina Foundation hosts the presentation of the book Unofficial History during the hypothetical Transition. The Vídeo-Nou case / Daniel Gasol's Community Video Service next Thursday, May 23, at 7 p.m., at the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona. A book that, based on interviews with its members, collects the experience of the self-managed Vídeo-Nou / Community Video Service group. A research that aims to contribute to rewriting history between 1975 and 1983 and raise our contemporary legacies.

With unofficial History during the hypothetical Transition. In El case Vídeo-Nou / Community Video Service (Raig Verd, 2024), Daniel Gasol rescues the memory of a group that practiced activism based on the documentary. With their cameras as tools, the members of Vídeo-Nou and Servei de Video Comunitari challenged the established narrative of history and proposed an alternative to the discourse present in the media.

Daniel Gasol holds a doctorate from the University of Barcelona, and began his career with artistic production and research through projects that aim to understand how official narratives are constituted in the media about identity, proletariat, gender or relationships social. In 2020 he obtained a grant to study the video work and social mechanisms of the Vídeo-Nou/Servei de Vídeo Comunitari collective -which he published in book form in 2024-, and in 2021 he published his doctoral thesis Art ( un)util: About how capitalism disables culture, which he later also turned into a work of the same name.

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