

'Objects 1969-1970' by Vera Chaves Barcellos at the Zielinsky Gallery

Appropriations, manipulations, collections, mirages and self-images are some of the key words in Vera Chaves Barcellos' research

'Objects 1969-1970' by Vera Chaves Barcellos at the Zielinsky Gallery
bonart barcelona - 08/05/24

The Zielinsky Gallery opens on May 9 at 7 p.m. the exhibition Objects 1969-1970 by Vera Chaves Barcellos. The exhibition focuses on a series of objects developed as “open works”, as the artist usually calls these changing sets of prints that require the activation of the viewer to carry out a their possible combinations. The exhibition can be visited until June 21, 2024.

From the beginning of her career, Vera Chaves Barcellos has been interested in reusing pre-existing images taken from the media to develop works using video, photography, engraving and installation. The artist's research takes as its starting point the relationship of the body with time: performing characters and narratives from the past and the future, focusing on stories that were left out of historiography, documenting and collecting materials from archive of local events or personal memory.

Recently, the artist's works have been part of the exhibitions: Enemies of poetry: Resistances in Latin America, Reina Sofia Museum, Spain; Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985, Hammer Museum, Brooklyn Museum and Pinacoteca de Són Paulo. In 2021 his work will become part of the collections of the Reina Sofia Museum, Pinacoteca de São Paulo and MACBA-Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona


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