
Art & Fashion

Rosa Tharrats exhibits "Refugia" at the Bombon Projects

La dissenyadora, que viu a Cadaqués, ha creat una sèrie d’escultures mòbils sensibles als ritmes de l’entorn

Rosa Tharrats exhibits "Refugia" at the Bombon Projects
bonart barcelona - 30/04/24

The designer Rosa Tharrats (Barcelona, 1983), inaugurated the Refuge exhibition at the Bombon Projects gallery in Barcelona.

The exhibition, which can be visited until May 4, stands out, above all, for the monumental textile work by Tharrats that has been hung on the facade of the space as an advertisement. About this exhibition, in which the artist has had the collaboration of Carolina Herrera providing fabrics, Sofia Lemos explains how Tharrats "has created a series of mobile sculptures, changing and sensitive to the subtle rhythms of the environment. They be conceived as refuges and at the same time as intentional paths for connection".

Rosa Tharrats, whose exhibition could be seen some time ago in Figueres with Tura Sanglas, currently lives in Cadaqués, in the old studio that her grandfather, the painter Joan-Josep Tharrats, had since the 60s.


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