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The 'sparks' of memory

Al llarg d'aquesta obra, Daniel Giralt-Miracle recorda els seus inicis i repassa els seus moments estel·lars durant la Transició, i parla sobre les seves relacions amb molts artistes catalans i internacionals: Tàpies, Brossa, Bohigas, Alfaro, Guinovart, Miró, Dalí, Coderch

The 'sparks' of memory

I have read, with great interest, Daniel Giralt-Miracle's latest publication, which offers us, in the form of almost telegraphic memories, an account of his life and cultural experiences. In the manner of a hasty diary, he recalls his experiential passions and the basic influence of his father, Ricard Giralt Miracle, who opened up to him the vast territory of graphic arts, visual communication, art and artists and, in definitive, those doors and windows open to the avant-garde that have marked its existence in the form of a passionate dedication to culture.

When recounting this recognition, windows are opened that, like flashes, highlight the incidents, meetings and positive experiences that have guided their activities. If something should be highlighted about Daniel's figure, it is his absolute transversality, which, in an almost Renaissance way, incorporates on each page a new opportunity for enrichment in his vast life chronicle full of relationships with people of all kinds and condition, always with the presence of the guiding axis of art, fine arts, the press, design and architecture.

I had the opportunity to share with him a small part of my dedication to the works in Montserrat as a whole for more than thirty years. The scale of my proposal to recover the original light of the basilica (years 1987-1995) must have caused some concern, and when executing the interior cleaning project, someone made the suggestion to consult Daniel about the color that they had to have the undecorated interior wall locks, based on my proposal; in this challenge, we worked together for months to decide on a color that was in line with the breadth of change that was a consequence of my architectural daring, but what was fundamental was that it allowed us to get to know each other thoroughly, and enjoy of friendship since then.

Daniel has made it possible, with his multiple activities, to put the characters, the academies, the university, the exhibitions, the art galleries, the museums, the publications, the politico-cultural responsibilities and the friendships on the same plane have resulted, in this extensive relationship of events and characters that pass before our eyes at high speed with so many emotions of life that, I must confess it - and I think he thinks so too - we are shortchanged. You only need to see the final onomastic index to realize the life span of Giralt-Miracle. Let's hope, then, that we can enjoy new sparks very soon.


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