

The Sorigué Foundation warms up 'Life in emergency. Juan Zamora'

Of the almost 8,000 people who have visited Zamora's work, mainly audiences from Lleida and Barcelona, but also from Aragon, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Tarragona, Girona, Madrid or Valencia, more than 70% have been students

The Sorigué Foundation warms up 'Life in emergency. Juan Zamora'
bonart lleida - 26/03/24

The Sorigué Foundation closed the exhibition La vida en emergency on March 22. Juan Zamora after 13 months open to the public. The Madrid artist's first major solo exhibition has welcomed 8,000 visitors since its opening on February 18, 2023.

Success among the educational community

The strong didactic component of the exhibition has been reflected in the successful call among the educational and training community. Of the total number of visitors, 5,800 were attended by the Educational Area, from where the Sorigué Foundation promotes learning in art with proposals for all educational stages.

During the 2022-23 academic year and the first quarter of 2023-24, the Educational Area has promoted a wide program of dynamic visits that invite students to observe, debate and reflect on the themes of the Juan Zamora's work, like the study of life from science and from art.

This student body has also included people who follow non-formal training, particularly affecting adult training groups and vulnerable groups with limited access to culture.

The organization has also offered guided tours to the general public and dynamic tours aimed at families, with the aim of getting closer to the artist's reflection on natural ecosystems through a largely introspective tour of his work.

The Sorigué Foundation, which aims to promote reflection through contemporary art, opted for a unique exhibition project that has addressed issues related to environmental and social sustainability, through different means such as drawing, installation and the video

An inclusive proposal

The Sorigué Foundation has been working for some time to guarantee inclusive artistic proposals. For this reason, it collaborates with multiple entities in the province of Lleida in the joint organization of specific activities aimed at its users.

Since 2023, the Sorigué Foundation has been part of Apropa Cultura, a program that facilitates access to culture for people in vulnerable situations with the aim of continuing to bring art closer to all groups. In this way, the foundation has been able to offer users of the program the possibility of visiting the exhibition on Juan Zamora both freely and with a guide.

On the other hand, the foundation's team has been trained in accessibility through the Aspros Foundation to cognitively adapt its exhibition offer to people with intellectual disabilities. Following the established regulations, the Fundació Sorigué has adapted the content of the La vida en ejerencias room sheet for easy reading. Juan Zamora

Parallel activities

During these 13 months, the Sorigué Foundation has collaborated in different local and national initiatives, carrying out different activities around Life in emergency. Juan Zamora

In January, the foundation participated in the Tour del Talent 2024, offering free tours explained by the artist himself at the exhibition. In addition, it received in its exhibition space the visit of the authorities of the Talent Tour, which is organized annually by the Fundació Princesa de Girona (FPdGi) with the aim of promoting young talent.

In addition, he collaborated again with the Intangible art and technology festival in its second edition. Among the different scheduled activities, the foundation promoted a workshop aimed at the students of the Leandre Cristòfol Municipal Art School in Lleida and a dialogue between Juan Zamora and Neus Teixidó, an IRTA scientist, about art and science.

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