

Antonio Sagnier i Bassas, new president of the Vila Casas Private Foundation

Antonio Sagnier i Bassas, new president of the Vila Casas Private Foundation
bonart barcelona - 29/09/23

The businessman Antonio Sagnier i Bassas has been appointed the new president of the Vila Casas Private Foundation by its Board of Trustees that met on September 27, 2023, at the Foundation's headquarters.

Patron of the Foundation for twenty-three years and its vice-president, Antonio Sagnier i Bassas has a degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona, and has extensive professional experience: he has held senior management positions in prestigious banking entities such as Banco de Progreso, Banco Natwest March and Banco Santander between the years 1970 and 1990. Founder of Privat Bank in 1991, he is currently president of Vila Singular, vice president of Fundació Clarós and administrator of Dialypa SL and Danpan Food SL

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