

RocioSantaCruz presents 'Oriol Vilapuig Theory of Bodies'

RocioSantaCruz presents 'Oriol Vilapuig Theory of Bodies'
bonart barcelona - 14/09/23

opens on September 14 at 6:30 p.m. the exhibition Oriol Vilapuig Theory of Bodies as part of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend . The exhibition can be visited until November 11, 2023.

Under the title Teoria dels cossos, taken from Gabriel Ferrater's book of the same name, Oriol Vilapuig's latest works are grouped here to rehearse and connect around the idea of the body.

Place the body in the center, but not to categorize and fix it, but to generate a movement of digression, an attempt to think of ways from which to constitute it. A set of images that, in their collisions and vibrations, also here, want to be cohesive as a significant body, images, on the other hand, that are welcomed by our bodies in the multiple resonances.

Traversing the gallery space as a passage of images that stand open and where to look also means encountering a limit, an edge or fracture, an opening that is where bodies make room, without reconciling the mismatch

A theory that slips through bodies to look for ways to feel, to explore thresholds where elements affect and sensitize one another.

Oriol Vilapuig 's artistic work takes the form of an essay as a procedure and methodology. Essay as a form of study and open inquiry, an always ongoing drift that overflows any imagination, and essay also as a way to define or question the limits of our experience. This experience is made visible, largely thanks to tradition, understood as what precedes us.

Hence the constant use in his works of the quote and the appropriation of other authors who also appear in the form of writing. His work is part of the desire to create imaginaries around repeated themes of our collective memory such as desire, loss, eroticism, the body, fear, language and time.

This repeated use and work with images is conditioned by a kind of poiesis, that is to say, a trigger that produces meaning and invites us to consider both the artist's position and the positions that come close to it.

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