
'From A to Z The letter as a tool of expression' at the Palau Antiguitats

'From A to Z The letter as a tool of expression' at the Palau Antiguitats
bonart barcelona - 14/09/23

Palau Antiguitats presents from September 14 to November 30 the exhibition From A to Z The letter as a tool of expression, an exhibition that reflects on the calligraphers, artists, designers and typographers of all times who 'have devoted themselves to designing and composing letters.

"But among all the typeface designs available today, and within the flood of images that surround us, the aesthetic value that letters have helps us go beyond this utilitarian vision. Each design, integrated into the artistic currents , the sensibility of the author and the technical means of each historical period, has its particularities. There are formal variations that may go unnoticed but add new layers of information to the composition. Suppose you have to move and it's cold. What gloves would you wear? Short or long, thin or thick? With fingers or without? With trimmings? Of what material, texture and color? Well for the text, the formal characteristics of the letter are like these gloves with respect to hands. In other words, when we speak, we use a certain tone of voice that nuances the message. This tone is also there in the aspect of the letter that composes a text. The letter is the voice of our message This expressive capacity of letters is a fascinating and inexhaustible theme that I encourage you to discover through the works in this exhibition. And the fact is that there are as many forms and styles as there are hands ready to trace and compose them; draw and decorate them; make a unique work, an original, or reproduce them in series, following the technique of engraving or printing. Lyrics for all tastes and all times to look at, contemplate and enjoy." writes Meritxell Piqué Llorens.


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