

Dis Berlin presents 'Labyrinth of loneliness' at Sala Parés

Dis Berlin presents 'Labyrinth of loneliness' at Sala Parés
bonart barcelona - 08/09/23

After a decade, Dis Berlin returns to present his work in Barcelona and does it for the first time in Sala Parés, the dean of art galleries in the State. Under the title Labyrinth of Solitudes, the exhibition shows 41 paintings and a sculptural installation, all created in recent years, and is open from September 14 to October 21, in spaces 1 and 3 of the gallery.

Following the conceptual line of the last exhibitions of Dis Berlin in Madrid, the exhibition revolves around the idea of the search for new mysteries that take various forms setting up true pictorial enigmas built for and for contemplation. All of them are grouped under the tension between opposites such as absence-presence or music-silence.

This struggle is generated and enhanced by the combination of discordant elements and, as the scholar Raúl Eguizábal points out about the recent work of Dis Berlin, it is "a struggle between the sacred and the profane, between the celestial and the telluric , between the spiritual and the sensual. Objects appear with an almost voluptuous fullness, the smoke of volcanoes, clouds and even flowers take on fleshiness and are confronted with lights that seem to hide a revelation or a promise."

"The exhibition I am presenting in Barcelona is a continuation of the ones carried out in recent years under the title Songs and silences. Now with the title Laberint de soledats I continue to explore, in search of new mysteries, in regions where poetry, music and silence remain the main protagonists. With slow steps, distilled layer by layer, these paintings have been born, intended not for the gaze, but for contemplation," explains Dis Berlin.


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