

"Picasso's Will" arrives at Disseny Hub Barcelona

"Picasso's Will" arrives at Disseny Hub Barcelona
bonart barcelona - 08/07/23

Picasso's will. The ceramics that inspired the artist arrive at Disseny Hub Barcelona as part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death. The exhibition, curated by Isabel Cendoya and Isabel Fernández del Moral, curators of the Museu del Disseny, shows the 16 ceramic pieces donated by Pablo Picasso to the Museu del Disseny and puts them in dialogue with the collection of historic ceramics it preserves. 'Picasso's will' brings together 93 ceramic pieces, of which 16 are Picasso's, 3 are loans and the rest belong to the museum's collection. 13 documents will also be shown, 6 of which are loans and the rest from the Design Museum's archive.

With this exhibition we want to highlight the collection of historical Spanish ceramics and explain the importance these pieces have in Picasso's ceramic work. For the first time, the 16 pieces donated by Picasso and a selection of the pieces that he himself was able to see in 1957 at the exhibition La ceramica espagnole, du XIIIème siècle als jours, at the Palais Miramar in Cannes, are brought into dialogue.

The exhibition also explains the history of the collections and how the museum holdings are made up, focusing on a historical donation and revealing Picasso's love for the museums of his city.

The exhibition includes a total of 106 pieces, of which 13 are documents and 93 ceramics. Of these ceramics, 16 are by Picasso and 3 correspond to loans from the Museum of Archeology of Catalonia (MAC) and the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN). Among the documents, there are loans from the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) and the National Archive of Catalonia (ANC).

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