

Es Baluard presents "A d'Arxipèlag" by Pedro G. Romero

Es Baluard presents "A d'Arxipèlag" by Pedro G. Romero
bonart palm - 22/06/23

Es Baluard Museum of Contemporary Art in Palma presents A d'Arxipèlag, an exhibition by Pedro G. Romero that opens on June 22 at 7 p.m. and can be visited in Space B of Es Baluard Museum from June 23 to September 10, 2023.

As an activity linked to the exhibition, Es Baluard Museu presents the scenic piece Arxipèlag, designed ex professo by the artist for the inauguration, developed from the work of Los gemelos de Korea and which integrates the scenic and performative part with the music and dance. The piece includes the performance of Perrate and the guitarist Raúl Cantizano, in addition to the intervention of Mariantònia Oliver with a group of dolls and boys from the neighborhood of El Hoyo.

Arxipèlag's project A starts from an investigation that the artist carried out at Casa Planas in 2020, during the pandemic. The contact with the Planas archive and its "organized disorder" led Pedro G. Romero to start researching other archives in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza or Formentera. The artist explains that in these archives he looked, observed, read photo captions, things came to mind, he wrote them down...

The plot line is linked to the artist's work and career and corresponds to an always eccentric perspective of Flemish, gypsies, itinerant workers, migrants, nomads, exiles and other dangerous classes who have lived on these islands.

The exhibition is built like a film. Based on documentation, photographs and audiovisual documents, the viewer will recognize Robert Graves, Lola Flores, Walter Benjamin, Simone Weil, the Chocolate child, as well as hippies and other heroes and martyrs of the counterculture.

Pedro G. Romero, artist and curator of the exhibition explains that "properly, my work tries to relate diverse, different things, separated from each other by what unites them. This is where my love for the archipelago comes from. In many ways, the fortuitous meeting of the umbrella and the sewing machine on the dissecting table is not accidental, the poetic power of Lautréamont is precisely this, the fact that, even if it is not obvious, there are traces, connections, lines of relationship between all the elements that the sentence conjures. To put them in relation, in many ways, is to put them on stage. And in this sense, the theatrical logics of my work, of a theater without theater, undoubtedly organize, in some way, all this circulation, all this flow, all that we call "relationships". I have a great esteem for what the French call "theater blinkers", which here, of course, take on a different meaning. Thus, we could say that this is an intermittent, stammering, discontinuous project, in effect, this is the archipelago”.

Imma Prieto, director of Es Baluard Museu, states that "with the Archipelago exhibition A, the museum continues its task of research and plural knowledge, retrieving memories that are part of our history and that, despite everything, they repeatedly silence and forget".

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