

The La Mercè Cultural Center and the Vila Casas Foundation present the exhibition "Désir", by Mayte Vieta

The La Mercè Cultural Center and the Vila Casas Foundation present the exhibition "Désir", by Mayte Vieta
bonart girona - 12/05/23

The La Mercè Cultural Center and the Vila Casas Foundation present the Désir exhibition, by the artist Mayte Vieta, a visual itinerary around desire and its multiple and heterogeneous plastic manifestations, which oscillate between installation and photography. In this morning's presentation ceremony, the vice-mayor and Councilor for Culture of the Girona City Council, Quim Ayats, took part; the curator of the exhibition and art adviser to the Presidency of the Vila Casas Foundation, Natàlia Chocarro, and the artist Mayte Vieta.

In this exhibition, Mayte Vieta takes refuge in the contemplation of nature, which is revealed to her as the bearer of the most hidden secrets, from a space of introspection woven through fragments of memory and dreams. Precisely in nature is where the artist perceives the emotions of life lived, the becoming of a fleeting time, now retained in the instant. Throughout his extensive career, Vieta dives into the world of memories and emotions with a subtle gesture that reveals disturbing and attractive at the same time.

With this work, visitors become aware that the production they are looking at expresses a complex form of happiness that contains found feelings of fullness and escape. Vieta is the artist of light, metaphor, silence and desire, a creator capable of taking off to feel closer to that other world that can only be caressed in the wake of a dream.

In this way, with a selection of works - photography, sculpture and installation - belonging to different creative moments, the exhibition unveils and (re)veils the most intimate rooms of the soul because, at the end of the day, of the thought of the Dutch philosopher Spinoza, "desire is the true essence of man", as it is also for the artist from Blanca.

As a complementary activity to the exhibition, on May 25, at 7 p.m., the artist Mayte Vieta will participate in the round table “Art and desire. The artistic work, genesis of hidden desires" together with the curator of the exhibition, Natàlia Chocarro, and the professor of Art History at the University of Girona Saray Espinosa. The activity requires prior registration via the La Mercè website .

The exhibition can be visited until June 30, from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm. During Girona, Temps de Flors, from May 13 to 21, the hours will be from Monday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday 17 and Saturdays 13 and 20 May, until 00 h.

Eude, genericLa-Galeria-201602-recurs

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