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New edition of the "Compondre Saberes" call from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation

New edition of the "Compondre Saberes" call from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation
bonart madrid - 09/03/23

The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation opens a new edition of the Compondre Saberes call to imagine and build sustainable futures. This program promotes projects based on collaboration between artists, researchers of any scientific discipline and citizens to address the eco-social challenges of the present.

Open until April 27, 2023 , it is aimed at projects that develop in Spain, even though they may have links, echoes or synergies in the international arena . With a total budget of 400,000 euros, the Foundation seeks to support the development of between 5 and 10 initiatives during a minimum period of six months and a maximum of three years, including both the analysis and design phases as well as the implementation of the project .

As in previous editions, the Compondre Saberes call seeks to support initiatives that incorporate these three axes (artists, researchers of any scientific discipline and citizens) to address some of the challenges surrounding the climate crisis and social justice that affect societies contemporary, imagining, building or proposing new ways of living, of care and resilience and contributing to drawing new paths towards sustainability.

The complexity of the challenges affecting our societies today requires an imagination capable of conceiving desirable worlds, a transdisciplinary production of knowledge and an active and vibrant citizenry that participates in the reception, generation and use of shared knowledge. This is the starting point of this call, which is part of the "Art, Science and Society" program of the Foundation's Citizen Art line and through which, since 2015 and on a biennial basis, it seeks to promote projects in which the artistic and scientific communities collaborate with each other and are open to the public, allowing new articulations between the two great "stories" about the world: the scientific and the artistic.

According to Isabelle Le Galo, director for Spain of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, "there are numerous reports that warn of a point of no return if we do not correct the course of human activity by 2030. We need to reinvent- us and with this call we want to foster contexts of meeting and hybridization between the arts, sciences and society to imagine new solutions and build sustainable futures".

"If we want to face the complicated contemporary challenges, we need to bring together different knowledge to find new formulas and solutions", points out Pepa Octavio de Toledo, head of Art Ciudadà in Spain. "Our world has become more complex and only by bringing together different types of knowledge and listening to citizens will we be able to solve current problems and those of the future that we can't even imagine yet."

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