

Charity auction to fight Friedreich's Ataxia

Charity auction to fight Friedreich's Ataxia
bonart calonge - 03/03/23

On March 17, at 7 p.m., Calonge Castle hosts an Art Auction in Solidarity to Fight Friedreich's Ataxia. The auction is organized by the City Council of Calonge and Sant Antoni, JJ Gamart and Stop Fa and has the collaboration of Alexandra Planas (Bonart), Encarna Angulo Art, Edelmira Sala d'Art, Francesc Barnés, Fundació Jordi Comas , Rosa Maria Bober, Óscar Pàmies ( and Benjamin (Revistart).

The works of art auctioned will be by artists such as Buenaventura Anson, Josep Coll, Rosa Serra, Peyo Pascual, Dolors Puigdemont, Jordi Amagat, Joan Raset, Esgar Massegú, Susana Solano, Núria Llimona, Grau Sala, Isabel Garriga, Assumpció Mateu, Pep Camps, Joan Mateu, Xavier Medina-Campeny, Xavier Borrell, Francesc Ruiz or Quim Domene, among many others.


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