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The Cultural Center-Library Blanquerna hosts an exhibition by Isidre Manils

The Cultural Center-Library Blanquerna hosts an exhibition by Isidre Manils
bonart madrid - 28/02/23

On February 23rd, the official opening of the temporary exhibition of Isidre Manils (Mollet del Vallès, 1948) Not a fair image, but a fair image took place at the Blanquerna Cultural Center-Library in Madrid. This exhibition, which is included in the collaboration agreement between the delegation of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Madrid and the Vila Casas Foundation, has as its main objective the giving of a wider tour to the artists of this Foundation.

The Minister of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Natàlia Garriga i Ibáñez, and the Government delegate in Madrid, Ester Capella i Farré, were present at the opening ceremony, as well as the curator of the exhibition, Natàlia Chocarro and the artist himself, Isidre Manils, who gave a guided tour to all the attendees.

The Cultural Center-Library Blanquerna hosts an exhibition by Isidre Manils

This temporary exhibition addresses different aspects of Manils' career by intertwining meeting points between the different supports on which the painting rests. Throughout a fifty-year career, Isidre Manils has confirmed himself as one of the country's artists with a more convincing discourse and artistic practice in terms of the exploration of the cinematic gaze in painting. Currently, Manils is a painter and teacher at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. In his work, you can see how the painter manipulates reality through his transparencies and brushstrokes in the form of blurred layers of light that ignite the meaning of his work. The constant search for "the cinematic look of painting" is one of his constants throughout his long career. The exhibition can be visited until May 20, 2023.


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