

Edgar Massegú presents "Orbita" at Escola l'Aixart

Edgar Massegú presents "Orbita" at Escola l'Aixart
bonart cervià de ter - 21/02/23

Edgar Massegú inaugurates the 3D participatory mural made with recycled materials "Orbita" at Escola l'Aixart in Cervià de Ter on February 24th from 12:00 noon. Massegú has explained that Orbit "is a polysemic word, as it can be both the orbit of the eyes and that of the planets. The eyes of the work focus on the excess of constant vigilance, and the planetary orbits on the need to seek inspiration beyond the stratosphere, offering the possibility to the students of the school to enter the world of imagination". Prior to the inauguration, the students will complete the mural by continuing it on the floor.

It must be said that the Aixart school is characterized by promoting innovation and creativity using teamwork and the values of responsibility towards the environment. For this month, the school's students have been working with Edgar Massegú's work, experimenting with the artist's different pictorial and sculptural techniques, especially with the theme of reusing materials.

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