

Cogarage and bonart inaugurate "Tribute to Paco Torres Monsó"

Cogarage and bonart inaugurate "Tribute to Paco Torres Monsó"
bonart girona - 15/02/23

Cogarage and Bonart open on February 15 at 7:30 p.m. the exhibition Tribute to Paco Torres Monsó on the occasion of the 100 years of the artist from Girona. The exhibition can be visited until March 15 at the Coworking Cogarage (Carrer de la Rutlla, 148) at times to be agreed.

Francesc Torres Monsó (Girona, 1922-2015) was a key figure in the evolution of sculpture over the last fifty years in Catalonia. With a classical and academic training, he always maintained an ironic, critical and attentive attitude to the events of his context. Grans lávis is one of the works from the mid-seventies in which the artist reproduces fragments of the human body in large dimensions and works on the technique of molds based on the introduction of new materials. In this sense, materials such as plastic or polyester resin allowed him to create multiples economically, in addition to linking his work with the questioning of the unique work characteristic of pop art.

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