

APPEC celebrates the 22nd Night of Magazines and Press in Catalan

APPEC celebrates the 22nd Night of Magazines and Press in Catalan
bonart barcelona - 30/11/22

The APPEC magazine and digital editors celebrated on November 29 the 22nd Night of Magazines and the Press in Catalan, the benchmark institutional event of the sector and which every year recognizes the work and trajectory of publications - in format physical and digital - of the Catalan Countries through an award ceremony.

This year's event is framed, once again, in a delicate context for the Catalan language. For this reason, during the event, the organization highlighted the role of magazines and the press in Catalan in promoting the language and, at the same time, recognized initiatives that, in a significant way, also contribute to encouraging its social use .

In his speech, the president of APPEC, Germà Capdevila, pointed out that "magazines are the gateway to reading and culture" and "we claim this role". "Those who believe that the days of Catalan are numbered are wrong. We have been there in the best times and in the most difficult times in the country, and we will continue to be there, with the complicity of readers and subscribers", he stressed.

The event, which took place at the Espai Endesa in Barcelona, had a wide representation of the country's communication sector and the assistance of the vice-president of the Parliament acting as president, Alba Vergés.

Twelve award-winning media outlets and three career recognitions

La Nit de les Revistes i la Premsa en Català has awarded the award for best publication to Entreacte , in the category of Magazines; in L'Ebre , in non-daily Press; al Segre , in the daily press; and Cloud , in Digital.

Likewise, the award for best reporting went to the Directa for 'Talp d'estat' by Jesús Rodríguez, in the category of Magazines; in La Comarca d'Olot for 'When overcoming is the only option' by David Planella, in Press; and in the Ara newspaper for 'Barcelona: the torture of noise' by Maria Ortega and Auri Garcia Morera, in Digital.

La Nit has also awarded the award for best editorial design to FULL de Lectura , in the category of Magazines; the 3 of eight , in Press; and Esguard , in Digital. And, once again, it has also distinguished the best covers, chosen by popular vote, and won by La Mira , in the category of Magazines, and Nova Tàrrega , in Press.

As in every edition, the event has served to commemorate the career of media that celebrate outstanding anniversaries. For this reason, Celsona and Descobrir have been honored for their 25 years, and Església d'Urgell , which is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Special awards from the APPEC Board

During the Night of Magazines and Press in Catalan, led by writer Màrius Serra, the APPEC Board wanted to recognize projects that encourage the use of Catalan. In this sense, it has awarded the Communication Award to Televisió de Catalunya for the 'Eufòria' bet because "it has had the ability to attract young audiences to entertainment in Catalan, at a time when the alternatives to television conventional and in other languages have become the majority".

In the same vein, he presented the Society Award to the families of Escola Turó del Drac de Canet de Mar for "having presented a battle in the courts against the measure of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to impart 25% of classes in Spanish at the request of a single family". The organization applauds "his courage and conviction in the defense of Catalan as a vehicular language at school".

And finally, APPEC has awarded Softcatalà with the Culture Award for its "25 years of history in favor of standardizing Catalan in the field of new technologies", since thousands of users use its projects every day non-profit organization, such as the translator, proofreader and thesaurus. In addition, the association appreciates that members of Softcatalà have participated in the creation of Paraulògic, "the trendy game that spreads Catalan through the networks".

APPEC, promoter of the Night of Magazines and Press in Catalan

APPEC magazine and digital editors groups and represents more than 200 magazines and digital media from the Catalan Countries. Since 2016, its president is journalist and editor Germà Capdevila. The entity brings together the sector and advises publications to deal with professional problems, defends their interests against the institutions, offers common services such as staff training, service management as a joint advertising agency and cabinet service press

From the APPEC, several actions are carried out to encourage the reading of magazines, such as 'La Revisteria', the new caravan of magazines that brings publications closer to towns where they do not reach due to a lack of points of sale, or 'El Pòdcast de les Revistes', a radio space where different publications of the association address issues that they usually cover in their pages.

The entity also deals with the distribution of magazines at the points of sale of the Abacus, Bon Preu Esclat network and bookstores in Catalonia, Andorra and Northern Catalonia to minimize the impact of the closure of conventional kiosks. In addition, it manages subscriptions to publications in Catalan in the library network of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Diputació de Girona.

Among its projects, the iQUIOSC.cat platform stands out, the digital kiosk for publications in Catalan that allows you to buy and read magazines, newspapers and regional press with web and applications for mobile devices.

The Night of Press and Magazines in Catalan is organized by APPEC with the participation of the Regional Catalan Press Association (ACPC) and the Catalan Association of Newspaper Publishers (ACED); with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Barcelona City Council and the Provincial Council of Barcelona; and with the collaboration of RENFE, Estrella Damm and Endesa.

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