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"Where sexist violence dwells" in the Mercè Cloister

"Where sexist violence dwells" in the Mercè Cloister
bonart girona - 11/11/22

On November 4, the official opening of the temporary exhibition Where Male Violence Lives was held by the Sergi de Girona Foundation in the Cloister of the La Mercè Cultural Center in Girona. Members of the Sergi Foundation, Joan Aureli Martí (artist and photographer of the exhibition), Marta Madrenas, representing Girona City Council and the writer and politician, Maria Mercè Roca, were present at the presentation event. .

This exhibition, which shows a total of fifteen black and white photographs that refer to gender violence, can be visited until November 27 this year.

Parallel to the exhibition, the Sergi Foundation has also organized a music concert by the singers Mireia Vilalta, Namina and Nuri Thunder - accompanied by Nuri Madí (percussion) and Ernest Salvà (guitar) - against gender violence next Thursday, November 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Mercè Auditorium. Tickets are already on sale for a price of 12 euros for advanced tickets and 15 euros at the box office and can be purchased through the following website: www.fundaciosergi.org.

Bonart Cultural SL together with the companies Marc 3, Stein, Alchimia and Agrícol Girona, is one of the collaborators of this temporary exhibition and concert.


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