

"Revelations 2013-2019" by Toni Giró in El Quadern Robat

"Revelations 2013-2019" by Toni Giró in El Quadern Robat
bonart barcelona - 09/11/22

El Quadern Robat exhibits, from November 15, 2022 to January 28, 2023, Revelations 2013-2019 by Toni Giró. The protagonists of Toni Giró's Revelacions series are burning cars. This is an unpublished series, made between 2013 and 2019. Giró is placed on the edge of the abyss, absorbed in an image that generates repulsion, but which at the same time irresistibly attracts him. This is the seduction of the dark corner, which, using perverse mechanisms, makes people condemn the burning of cars, but does not question the facts that have caused it. And this is the perversion of the system, which uses the violence it generates to justify itself and therefore perpetuate itself. For this reason, in this series of drawings, technique and subject matter merge: the chiaroscuro achieved by working the graphite powder with hands, cloths or erasers, underlines the moral ambiguity of the effects of borderline situations. They are drawings that do not describe but interpret.

Toni Giró (Barcelona, 1966) holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. His work has been seen in Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Prague, Madrid, Montpellier, New York and Valencia, among other cities. Among his most recent exhibitions we highlight Nothing is possible, everything moves at the Reus Reading Center (Tarragona), and L'obsolet absolut at Can Manyé, Espai d'Art i Creació, Alella (Barcelona) running from 4 November 2022.


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