

Espai Isern Dalmau presents "Always with suspended sails" by Jordi Maragall

Espai Isern Dalmau presents "Always with suspended sails" by Jordi Maragall
bonart barcelona - 08/11/22

The Lluís Coromina Foundation presents the exhibition Semper amb les veles spespes by the painter Jordi Maragall, grandson of the renowned Catalan poet Joan Maragall. The exhibition, which is a journey through the artist's most significant pictorial stages, will be inaugurated on November 10 at 7 pm at the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona, and will have the participation of the artist himself, his brother Ernest Maragall, the curator of the exhibition Joan Gil, the president of the Fundació Lluís Coromina, and the director Ricard Planas.

Always with suspended sails, title taken from the poem Excelsior by the renowned poet Joan Maragall, is an exhibition that collects the most relevant life and artistic moments of the painter Jordi Maragall. With the Romanesque style as a point of reference, the exhibition is a display of gestural expressions and chromatic intensity, in which you can also see references to Georges Rouault and Giorgio Morandi, painters admired by the Catalan creator. With simple resources and materials, his compositions have been deriving from vaporous treatment to energetic brushstrokes of intense colors and a disturbing force, combined with works of extreme lightness, which alternate with symbolic forms and more magmatic paintings. All together, it reflects the various stages of Maragall's pictorial life, which has been a coming and going that has always obeyed his vital needs, perceptions and feelings. A work that shows his inner experience, from where the painter has brought forth his overflowing and passionate expressiveness, and in which art and life have been understood as an indissoluble whole, marked by oppositions: order and disorder , stillness and agitation, gesture and construction, emotionality and meditation.

With the aim of recognizing his work and a lifetime devoted to art, the Lluís Coromina Foundation presents this new exhibition at the Isern Dalmau Space, in which the painter Jordi Maragall is the protagonist. The exhibition will open on Thursday, November 10 at 7 p.m., and can be visited until Tuesday, January 31, during the usual visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. 1 p.m.

Biography Jordi Maragall

Trained painter, Jordi Maragall i Mira (Barcelona, 1936) is a member of an important Catalan saga of artists and intellectuals: son of Jordi Maragall i Noble, grandson of poet Joan Maragall and brother of politicians Ernest i Pasqual Maragall, his career, has followed a very personal line throughout the forty years of artistic commitment. Difficult to classify, because it does not follow a certain current, his itinerary accommodates realism and abstraction at different moments of his pictorial journey, in a coming and going that obeys a vital need. An inner existence that struggles to bring out its overflowing and passionate expressiveness, in which art and life form an indissoluble whole.

It has gone through several stages in which expressionism has dominated with more or less intensity, although the constructive values that start from drawing as a privileged medium of direct and immediate manifestation are always manifested - latently -]]] , of constant experimentation. A deep connoisseur of art history and a tireless reader, Jordi Maragall moves from an art with a primitivist echo to an abstract vocabulary.

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