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"Fragments of everyday things" by Jordi Vayreda at the Cadaqués Huc Malla gallery

"Fragments of everyday things" by Jordi Vayreda at the Cadaqués Huc Malla gallery
bonart cadaqués - 19/07/22

The renowned Olot designer and artist Jordi Vayreda presented on July 9 in his first solo exhibition entitled Fragments of everyday things at the Cadaqués Huc Malla gallery.

In the words of Eudald Camps, the idea that should occupy us, and that Jordi Vayreda seems to want to update in each of his works exhibited in this exhibition is to detect the ecosystem to which his two-dimensional works belong or, as Christopher Alexander asserted, what his "pattern language" is. According to Camps, "an important clue is given to us by the gallery owner Huc Malla when he states that" Vayreda is a specific artist who does not make specific art ". However, we know that each work of Vayreda's concrete appearance maintains a relationship, say umbilical, with the three-dimensional project behind it (such as the Marítim Bar de Cadaqués seen as an elevator of successive squares and grids almost escherianes would be a good exponent) ".

It should be remembered that Jordi Vayreda was nominated in 2008 and 2013 for the prestigious British "Andrew Martin lnternational lnterior Designer of the Year Award", which are considered the Oscars of Interior Design.

In 1997 Vayreda created his own studio Jordi Vayreda Projectteam in Olot, where he currently designs, develops and executes projects for residential, commercial, office and product spaces. His study is dedicated to new projects, where the vision and value of design differ in a profound and personal way.

The next exhibitions planned at the Cadaqués Huc Malla gallery are by Francesc Ruiz Abad (from 27 July to 21 August) and by Bruno Munari (from 24 August to 18 September).
Visiting hours at the gallery are from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm and by appointment.

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