2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


The mask doesn't lie… From "J'accuse" to Pussy Riot

Fins l'1 de maig del 2022

The mask doesn't lie… From "J'accuse" to Pussy Riot
Fina Duran barcelona - 25/04/22

After a shocking start, some images of the history of the Ku Klux Klan that leave the soul frozen, the exhibition is developed through numerous uses and interpretations of the mask: from the original stories of warriors to the answers forceful in times of war and crisis, from furious armies in Fantômas, from Cabaret Voltaire to Mexican fighters, from Masonic lodges to protest movements ... all hidden behind a mask that protects and erases individuality.

The mask that releases, unites and protects because it allows us to hide while also invoking, since ancient times, hidden powers that give rise to numerous interpretations that mix reality and fiction, as can be seen in the course of the show.

A long list of images and information that make you wander through different moments in history and for different responses to critical situations, from the response to barbarism to the same human cruelty… There are so many sensations and information that awakens you this shows that you end up questioning many of the situations around us.

Right now, see the harsh footage from the film I Accuse You with their faces so deformed that they no longer need a mask, because the war has made them evolve from human faces to monsters that make people flee, and a little further to see the faces that are so deformed that they need a mask to become human, it's not that it makes you question what barbarism we've been in, but it makes you wonder where the man is going, who repeats the same situation without stopping.

The CCCB exhibition puts you in front of our sad reality, but at the same time it knows how to go further and show you so many cultural, political, popular, festive answers to the questions that only a mask can allow to express to approach the wild depths and unknown to humanity, so that in the end you can only be surprised and put a point of relativity to certain realities.

One of the texts in the exhibition shows us this most marked relativity in modern times when he says: “In this carnival of half-hidden faces, there are also realities that have been turned upside down: underground and secrecy, identifies the solidarity member of a community that recognizes itself as vulnerable, and the naked face, which disturbs and generates concern. ” "Disappearing is a crime," they warn us. Therefore, to subvert this patriarchal order, the mask has been used by many groups to "conspire together", as did the Pussy Riot, which we can see in images showing the repression of Russian power, and that after having seen the images, already mentioned, of the J'accuse they become a cry against the barbarism.

Photo: Pussy Riot Punk Prayer Action at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, 2012. Courtesy of Pussy Riot

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