

”La Caixa” Foundation opens the '22 Creation Support call

”La Caixa” Foundation opens the '22 Creation Support call
bonart barcelona - 18/02/22

The ”la Caixa” Foundation is launching its Creation Support call, which includes Comisart, started in 2012 and aimed at young curators, and this Production, which began in 2018. The call will be open from 14 February 2022, at 10 am in mainland Spain until 25 April 2022, at 5 pm in mainland Spain.

Creation Support '22. Production wants to be an engine for artists who need financial and professional support to produce a work of art that has continuity, and also wants to become a reference in Spain and Portugal.

This call is aimed at artists and groups of artists over the age of 18, with Spanish or Portuguese nationality or residency and who have a project to carry out or are underway, in collaboration with an external agent (museum, gallery or another type of artistic institution) and that requires to be produced.

The artists, in addition to presenting the project proposal and calendar, will have to draw up a production budget and fees and prove the commitment of a third agent involved in the exhibition of the work produced and that guarantees a continuity.

The production of the selected works will take place over the next two years and will have the resources and advice of the exhibition team of the ”la Caixa” Foundation.

More information on the competition rules at the following link

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