Aina Mercader

Coordinator of exhibition projects, curator and art critic. Currently, she works as a co-ordinator in the museumization of the Casas Barates del Bon Pastor, a project promoted by the Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA). I have previously coordinated, among others, the Alimentar Barcelona exhibitions. City, supply and health (MUHBA, Saló del Tinell and chapel of Santa Àgata, 2021-2022); El Camp de la Bota , by Francesc Abad (MUHBA, chapel of Santa Àgata, 2019) or La ferida d'Hypercor. Barcelona 1987 (Fabra i Coats – Zero Space, 2017-2018). Her work, as a freelance collaborator, editor or coordinator, has mainly been carried out in the written press, in the magazines Time Out Barcelona , Butxaca and El Temps d'Art and in the newspaper Avui . In Spanish he has published in Diario de Mallorca , in the magazine Arte al Límite , in Cultura/s de La Vanguardia and El Estado Mental .
